When I was in a New Zealand men’s prison, I witnessed a forced, simulated picnic table rape between two prisoners who were about to be released. Prison officers instigated it and then threw paint over the boys as they lay on that picnic table pants down and restrained. One boy was face down on the table and another shoved on top of him with his penis in his ass cheeks.

Disgraceful! There was a scandal over this organised by a journalist who had been railroaded into prison. It hit the papers back in 1995 and exploded countrywide. It was the same year an inmate made allegations against prison officers causing one of them to kill himself.

I was myself harrassed and threatened by high level prison staff because they knew I had a lot of contact with the newsmedia previously and the prison boss told me “I know it was you – I recognised your writing style”

Actually, the prison officers were quite good to us. Pity this spoiled it!

Tony Foote…

Unhappy man in prison

By Tony Foote

Editor of The New Zealand Orator