New Zealand is so totally out of control it’s children are not allowed to leave their houses because of a massive problem with youth-on-youth crime.

There are certain realities in modern New Zealand society. One of them is that punishments have been removed from the upbringing of children for fear by the parents they will end up in court for disciplining their children

Back in the 1980s, men had quite a bit to do with keeping their problematic boys in check. Wone, particularly the feminazi movement stepped in and destroyed all men who cared for kids. The result is what we have today – useless women who boys ignore

The 1980s and 1990s sex abuse industry was the vehicle used to disempower men in this area of care. Now, there are bugger all male teachers, scout leaders, doctors who will treat children etc etc! Kids are just running winld in New Zealand and their crime wave is shocking!

Here’s the story

By Tony Foote

Editor of The New Zealand Orator