It’s very easy to accuse Russia of starting a pointless war in Ukraine, and rightly so but the realities are complicated. There’s no truth coming from either side and Zelensky is behaving like an utter spoiled brat! Demand this. Insist of that! Well here’s the reality.

If Zelensky was so worried about his country and his people he’d have tried repeatedly to secure a ceasefire, or at least a meeting between himself and Russian leaders to try and secure a peace deal but….. Nothing! Zelensky demands cash, sanctions, weapons and airtime to fill an already struggling world with his pissy pants bullshit.

Right from the start is was obvious if Zelensky didn’t intervene and talk with Russia, shit would hit the fan. Well, it now has, and it’s a mesyy, broken fan being pushed by the west at Zelensky the comedian’s insistence. This needs to stop, and now. Russia started it but Ukraine did nothing to protect it’s people and property but demand weapons and war in a vain attempt to beat a massively superior force while filling the media with lies.

Get to the peace table. Do it now! Peace not War!

Stop the killing. Peace not war!

By Tony Foote

Editor of The New Zealand Orator