New Zealand is rampant with gun violence and crime – Do not come here if you love safety!

Since the Labour government was elected in New Zealand with it’s stupid, socialist “everyone has to be treated like children” laws and rights has seen a massive increase in dangerous, vilent crime which shows no sign of letting up.

House shot at

In this incident in New Zealand’s second largest city, shots were fired at a private home belonging to an innocent citizen in what cops are calling “a case of mistaken identity”. This is common for New Zealand – Kiwis love to bullshgit about how clean, green and fiendly New Zealand is but that’s simply lies to get you to come to this country to spend your money. When your money’s gone, so are you.

Sooner or later everyone in New Zealand will be the victim of a crime.

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By Tony Foote

Editor of The New Zealand Orator