Modern day slavery is rife across New Zealand

New Zealand is a shockingly two-faced country. ABuse and slavery happen here daily even though we market ourselves to the world as “100% Clean Green and Friendly”. It’s all bullshit. Modern day slavery is rife right across New Zealand with immigrants being used, abused and discarded with motonous regularity.

So what? SImply this. When you realise you are a slave, sucked into working in New Zealand under false pretences and you complain – you will be fired. If you are sacked as an immigrant on an immigrant visa, you have no right to be in New Zealand. The country which turned you into a modern day slave will then deport you back to where you come from.

We urge you to check these things out thoroughly for yourself before committing to emmigrating to New Zealand. For so many it’s been nothing but a nightmare ending in court and deportation.

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By Tony Foote

Editor of The New Zealand Orator