New Zealand children are out of control and unpunishable – these two are trash!

Why should you put up with scumbags such as these in your society? You should not! Forget all the social welfare garbage, these boys are dirty animals (apologies to innocent animals) and deserve locking up like the dogs they are, along with their trashbag, excuse riddled, child failing, rotten past which has obviously followed her to a point it now reflects horribly in her two scummy kids!

New Zealand truly is the land of denial and blaming. If you plan to come to New Zealand to live, and you have children then be advised your kids will be associating with this garbage. It’s very common and there is no mitigation, only denial! The only good thing about this case is the woman will probably lose her two little bastard kids! Hopefully it’ll be done in time to save society from them!

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By Tony Foote

Editor of The New Zealand Orator