Do you really want this – if not, disconnect but even that has issues

New Zealand corporates are, just like all of them thieving assholes who want to rip all of your cash from your pocket, even if it means you starve to death. The Orator will be running a series of stories about New Zealand power companies and their shocking money grabs at your wallet.

It’s high time we all disconnect from the licence to steal your money called “the National Grid”. However, if you try it, the power comapnies will attack and wreck you completely since disconnectingyour home from the power grid in New Zealand is illegal.

If you set your house up to be completely off grid and then disconnect, these thieves will prosecute you and the law is on their side. If you are setup with solar, including batteries, if there is a power cut your system must automatically shut down. This means your $40,000 power setup is always going to be useless! When the power goes down, because of these thieves and the stupid disconnect law in New Zealand, so will your power setup!

There is no doubt about any of this since our offices recently attempted to setup alternative power in case of a power supply issue but were stopped by the fact that solar power units are a rip off!

In the meantime, New Zealand power companies, due to various weather events and wear and tear issues have to repair lines. They will make you pay for it. It’s time to say “NO WAY” to the thieves stealing your money.

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