New Zealand is full of bullshitting women who use fake sex allegations as weapons

Most New Zealand blokes fall victim to lying skanks at one time or another and the trouble is, NZ lawmen have to believe whatever shit they are told by these lying trash! It’s high time the women and children liars in these cases were taken to task – then to court – convicted for perjury and making false allegations and then, locked up for years so they think twice about doing it again.

If you are male and in New Zealand, you’ll probably already have had false allegations made against you but they went no further. Some of you will be imprisoned by these allegations with other men waiting for court cases in lying skank believing New Zealand. People believe these liars unfortunately but in this case, however, the jury saw through the bullshit and acquitted this poor victimised man. He will suffer from this for the rest of his innocent life. Sadly, he’s one of thousands of men in his position. The frontbum will not face any punishment. Sucks!

Read story here…

By Tony Foote

Editor of The New Zealand Orator