This is a Honda P50 from the late 1960s. Dad bought one in 1969. I rode it every morning to warm it up for him until he crashed it on ice and wouldn’t let me on it again. I was 12 going on 13! Dad bought his one back in the day to get to work at a secutity company in NZ. There was not a lot of maney around back then and these were dirt cheap to run and completely reliable.

We had an old Standard Vanguard car which often needed work so this bike filled in for that too.

One very frosty morning as a schoolboy, I warmed up the bike for Dad by riding up and down our long street, then Dad jumped on and rode off to work. I watched as he rode away. I watched as he waved back to me. I watched as he hit the ice at the corner and came off the bike on his arse! I ran down the road to see if he was ok. He was looking at his grazed hip in the middle of the toad muttering ‘fuck that hurts’.

By Tony Foote

Editor of The New Zealand Orator