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The Truth About New Zealand
Thinking of moving to New Zealand? Check out this website is by migrants, visitors and Kiwis themselves. Just what is it like to live in NZ?
How To Deal With The Cops
Cops are assholes. You can’t trust them! They are NOT your friend! If you ever get in trouble, do this….By Tony Foote.
Were the 1960s and 1970s Better
Report on how great these two decades were, do you think the 60s and 70s were better than now? By: Tony Foote…
Quake! Destructive & Murderous
The shocking quake in Christchurch on Feb 22 2011 set off a huge cycle of destruction…. Read story by Tony Foote

Documentary Piece On NZ Jail
Read this documentary piece on New Zealand Jails in the 90s, complete with current opinion report.…By: Tony Foote

Live by Credit – Die by Credit
The falacy of living well on credit and credit’s terrible consequences….
Read article by Tony Foote