Post Prison PTSD

PPSD is a very serious and invasive abuse of prisoners rights to a normal life!

No less than 60% of men in prison have symptoms and signs of severe to moderate PTSD, which reflects 30-60% of those who are exposed to physical trauma including assault, and 43-75% of men who were victims of sexual violence in prison.

So you think all prisoners deserve what they get, then you get pissed off at them when they re-offend! Tough luck. I’m here to tell you prison is the absolute cause of increased violent crime and suicides among prisoners and ex prisoners and those attached to them in everyday life.

How would I know? That’s simple! I spent 3 years falsely imprisoned in New Zealand in the 1990’s because of witch hunts and corrupt cops! I saw the results of this as men hanged themselves in prison because they were ripped from their families and could not bear it, or the constant violence, threats, robberies, stand overs, stabbings etc etc etc – Your entire lag was spent like this and after release, the effects roll on and on and on. There is absolutely no doubt all who enter prison will be corrupted for life! The fear and stress and the hatred and bitterness against society for raping human beings rights in this way must be addressed or the world’s criminal systems will absolutely be overwhelmed, perhaps taken by the prisoners.

I see this happening as prison is seen as the answer to all things criminal. – To all of society I say this – You are non thinking sheep! Your constant thirst to imprison human beings has led you to the violent crimes you now suffer. Living with PTSD for your entire life, caused by society is a runaway train to calamity!

From my own treatment at the hands of New Zealand police and court system I was shanghaied, refused food, refused council, had screws looking in my arse and touching my body, was abused, shoved around like a dog and treated like human shit – all within the first 24 hours. This is the beginning of what causes PTSD in New Zealand prisons and unfortunately, it gets a lot worse.

Now the power to expose this is in my own hands and times have changed. Over several years I have written and provided great articles about the rubbish going on in NZ prisons and the system sucking men into the sewers of hardship, prejudice and disease.

Here are some links to see the prevalence of PTSD in prisons and PPSD following release!

Rights and Process getting locked up in New Zealand

What is post-incarceration syndrome?

Medical.Net discussion on PTSD among prisoners

Danielle Rouseau Effects of PTSD post incarceration

Post Med resource on PTSD effects on prisoners and post prisoners

Trauma exposure and mental health of prisoners and ex-prisoners: A systematic review and meta-analysis

1 in 4 ex prisoners has PTSD – Study